Missouri Propane Education and Research Council


MOPERC logoMOPERC is a not-for-profit organization authorized by the Missouri legislature. MOPERC has helped thousands of Missouri homeowners replace water heaters, furnaces and other appliances with new, more energy-efficient models. The Council has established two funding programs to help companies reduce emissions: the Lawn Equipment Assistant Fund (LEAF) for professional landscape contractors who upgrade their equipment to propane, and the Clean Bus Program, which provides incentives to Missouri schools that acquire propane buses.

Propane has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Administration as a clean energy source and is the most popular alternative energy source in the world. Propane is currently used by approximately nine percent of the homes in Missouri for residential heat and is also widely used in agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and transportation.

Below are the Council Members for 2024. These 15 volunteers guide MOPERC to promote the safe use of propane through education, training and research. All Officers serve three-year terms while the Directors’ term is one year.


Wholesale 1
Carly Murphy – CHS

Wholesale 2
Jeff Miller – Ferrellgas, St. Peters

Wholesale 3
Ray Phillips – Growmark Energy, Ozark

Retail 1
Nick Goodrich – Goodrich Gas, Crocker

Retail 2
Jason Harville – MFA Oil Company, Columbia

Retail 3
Jessica Booth-Haden – AmeriGas, Fordland

Retail 4
Samantha Reed Johnson – Reed Oil, Doniphan

Retail 5
John Brokes – Big River Oil, Hannibal

Retail 6
Clayton Uthe – MFA Oil, Winston

Retail 7
Mitch Dane – Chilton Oil, Salem

Retail 8
Roger Hoff – Hoff Brothers, Perryville

Retail 9
Brian Brooks – Brooks Gas, Marshfield

Affiliated 1
Steve Clayton – Gas Equipment Company, Earth City

Affiliated 2
Jeff Reitz – Central States Bus, Fenton

Public Member
Derek Poe – Missouri Propane Safety Commission


Brian Brooks – Brooks Gas, Marshfield

Vice Chair
Jeff Reitz – Central States Bus, Fenton

Derek Poe – Missouri Propane Safety Commission


Contact MOPERC

If you have any questions about switching to propane, propane safety or would like additional information, please contact us.