Tips for Propane Safety

A carbon monoxide detector plugged into an outlet

Safety is the top priority for your propane company and everyone else in the propane industry.

Propane has a remarkable safety record, due in large part to the stringent codes and regulations developed by the propane industry and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). And in Missouri, your professional propane dealers and their technicians, drivers and staff, comply with state regulations that require periodic testing and training in order to ensure your safety.

Additionally, your local propane company makes efforts to ensure all of their equipment is up to date and carefully maintained. They also make a sincere commitment to training so that their employees know precisely how to deliver your fuel safely—and know what to do in case of a leak or other emergency.

To help you understand how to approach propane safety in and around your home, whether it’s propane tank safety, propane heater safety or propane grill safety, the Propane Education & Research Council has developed learning modules for your reference.

Safety Videos

To help you understand how to approach propane safety in and around your home, whether it’s propane tank safety, propane heater safety or propane grill safety, the Propane Education & Research Council has developed learning videos for your reference.